I'm not sure but couldn't you just use a one way shield door?
Downloading your map last week, I broke it down so I could figure out how this nifty little trick worked. I'm surprised at how simple it was, and...
I think the problem lies with how long armor lock lasts. Right now it just slows the game down dreadfully. You get someone who goes into armor...
I could see those poles in the train being horrible for gameplay (talking about the second map obviously). I would suggest reducing the number....
Most of the time, jumps are not the best way to achieve alternate routes. Just think about it. If you're in the middle of one of these jumps and...
No, that's exactly what they changed. Once a flag is in your capture point nobody on your team can move it, no exceptions.
They made this impossible from the beta. And if you really want the stockpile one, play with some friends and have all of them guard while you...
I've got the gold visor, emile's helmet, and flaming helmet. That's pretty much everything I want. I guess I'll get B-Day party, A firefight voice...
The point of that daily was to get as many people as possible to do that, in order to speed up the undoing of the level cap. I agree it was sorta...
I'd think using rocks (or just blocks if you ran out of rocks) would look nicer.
If you don't have time to put pictures, I don't have the time to download.
That's not even mlg gameplay! And why make a whole new thread when you can reply to his?
Just go to the map you wanna change. Make the changes. When you're done, instead of hitting 'save map' hit 'save as new map'. You'll then be able...
Thanks. The reason for expanding the island was so each base could have an even area. There's a weird slant on on side that required me to push...
Wow! You've been posting stuff with some really great ideas (this one is no exception)! The rest of the map you've built looks quite bland and...
Here's some (bad) pics of the map I've been working on. It's a symmetrical (about as symmetrical as paradiso.) map that's loacated on the island....
"Entries (including all corresponding file(s)) must be available in the Entrant’s Halo: Reach file share at time of submission and remain there...
Why would we get double credit weekends if we have challenges? It's pretty much just the same concept but implemented differently and in my...
This is the fifth disorientated map I've seen. Sure, yours may be very nice, especially with the outside aesthetics (the first pic would make a...
It looks very good so far. You did a great job recreating the feel of that section. I'm assuming you die when you fall off of those catwalks in...