I have just uploaded Agoraphobia. It is more than just BTB. Check the link. [IMG] [IMG]
[IMG] [IMG] [IMG] [IMG] [IMG] [IMG] This is a map made by BlackHand111 and ScareCrow813(Me). It is a combination of Blood Gulch,...
Oh My!! I love this map in battle Front. It looks exactly like and good job with the RTT.
that is cool and very well thought out and designed. You got a download.
This is amazing. I told my friend about it and he did not believe me about the clock and "running water". But yeah i can Not wait to see what is...
Hello i am asking for 4-10 people to come to a costum game with me to help me and my forgepartner test a map we are working on called Agoraphobia....
Yeah we are almost done but we need to test with large amounts of people. just friend request me (ScareCrow813) or my forge partner(BlackHand111)...
i only make BTB map. i have three out and working on three more. They are called D-Day, Iwo Jima, Operation: Market Garden, and Agoraphobia. [IMG]...
That is what you are.
Cool video dude and i like all the maps except for the Forsaken Wharf that one looks like you did not take to much time on it. The last one looked...
Yeah what my forgepartner said about breaking the line of sight and about it being almost done we need to complete two more game modes and a...
Thank you. The bridge has two machine gun turrets on it facing each base and the only way to get up would be a jetpack. The sniper towers allow...
It is a very well down remake of it and your welcome.
this is a very awesome and smooth map. Great for racing with friends good job keep forging races you have a talent at it.
Did you model this after a Halo 3 map. What game modes would this be for because it would look really good and fun for SWAT and Infection but that...
This is a map made by BlackHand111 and ScareCrow813(me). It is a Red team vs Blue team map. It will be made for BTB, Speedpile, 1 bomb assualt,...
Thanks D3ATH EYE for your support and i will try to fix the base up like i said early.
ok it will be a while because i am working on 3 other WW2 maps
well i tried to make them look like bases that were made to be quickly asembled and taken down but i will try to make it look more professional
oh yeah i forgot about that sorry :( Edited by merge: i added more weapons to the map and vehicles and cover like you said