hi ferretness
well thanks i made this map only because i wanted to see how good of a map i can make, gameplay wise, and really see if people liked doing more...
lol its on the first page but here ya go haha http://www.forgehub.com/forum/competitive-maps/20972-corrosion.html
yes we did play this at the fnf You will have to see for yourself who won Haha and I'll look into the nuetral spawn issues Thanks
the play is pretty cool, however it is confusing and the screenshot is pretty good it doesnt really look cool, but the title makes it
hey, mind posting on my corrosion thread, what you thought of the map gameplay wise and anything i might need to fix? it would benefit me a lot
fantastic level for a ghost town map i love the fence wall bridge, sort of reminds me of kentucky tango ill download to get a closer look
hey i responded to your post on my thread corrosion check it out please =]
well please go forth and tell me if its not too big of a deal, i would love to know what i could have done better for future reference it...
hey, can you do the mapbusters thing for my map i would greatly appreciate it its called corrosion, its a competitive map link:...
saying that my post fails, is that supposed to affend me? well it doesnt, its not my fault you tried to be a blam! to blackfox saying that he...
read the first line in big print linu
dang I had forgotten I showed you that I'm surprised you remembered this map That was ages ago Haha
hey take a look at my response on my thread corrosion It asks you a series of questions
forge vortex, Do you mind telling me your gamertag, that is, if its not this name Is it tequilla joe? Where you playing with me and...
haha Yeah I was working on this forever I'm sure you thought it looked the same and that I didnt change much but I ran into the item limit...
alright thanks for the compliments however like i said before, in response to drak, is the switch is not pointless what so ever ill say it...
what clue has led you to believe that? Are you saying you like the map? I'm confused
Well this map is a remake of one of my previous maps, so I found this map a lot easier to build in the beginning. It was just a matter of...
naw man I do play a lot of halo, but I am not really like that where thats all I do Just a lil FYI Above this line is off topic below...