Looks good :) only the description is noobish
looks great Q'ed
Nice idea about random luck :) 4/5
Thx for all the complements :)
yeah at the left is an active camo and at the right one is a overshield
thanks for the hint about obelisk and the 3d and 4th pic are the inside of the pyramids edit*crap forgot those 2 pics adding them right away...
. Egypt V3 Quick Links weapons/equipments/traits Video Front View Back View Left Pyramid Left Pyramid inside Right Pyramid Right...
Looks Awesome and nice interlocking 5/5
lolz looks great They only need to make a recon for the elites :)
I think mine eyes gonna tear if i play that for to long 3/5 :)
I played it alot with slayer and it was a hell of a fun when there where less then 6 players in the room
I could interlock somethings but i wanted to hold it simple :)
Looks realy cool Q'd for DL
Map Title: Mirrored Symitrical map for slayer games Download Map Here Possible gamemodes: 1v1 / 2v2 / 3v3 / 4v4 / 5 man FFA...
Ok say me what other game modes ya think that would work on this map ?
The stradiges are (camp up top and own the Fat kid with weapons) (Go in warthog and kill the Fat kid)...
how can you know how much time i put in it :) and btw the pics are from V1 (but there didn't change to much only some weapons got replaced)
Looks super cool :)
the gametype is included in the post and its fatboy like -> 50% movement speed and hammer / sword for zombie
In this map you get spawned outside and have to run inside because after 30s the door to the house will close and locking all out that are outside...