Thats a damn good point Matty. Damn straight to the point. Anyway I would like some criticism over my signature now.
No I mean smack. Not "Smite me All Mighty Smiter!" - Bruce Almighty
I just realized I ****ed up worthy. Me being the Grammar **** I am and somehow I managed to screw it up. Smack me down Oh Mighty Lord!
Like how this got off topic. Anyway am I the only one who's ready to play as Isacc Clark from Dead Space? Plus jumping off of skyscrapers=badass...
Your just jealous cause I used complex words like awesome and status and worty.
[IMG] I personally believe its awesome. And if your wondering, yes I used a tutorial but the text was all me. Just tell me if its awesome...
I like how Matty got off topic in a serious discussion. I firmly believe an infraction is in order............ jk. So far looks like the Cruise...
Indigo's got it right. And what exactly does matty mean? It sounds like a sex joke and he doesnt even have a name for it yet.
^ I like that statement. Even though the Skyscraper hasnt been done too much, the Cruise Ship has never been done. Think of the Cruise Ship as a...
Uhm, A skyscraper has already been done before. A cruise liner on Longshore is entirely new and original. Im ****ing disappointed that nobody...
Cant you break through the barrier and make the drop pods there?
Maybe you could have the ODST's drop from drop pods above the ship and invade it from there? Just a suggestion but so far it looks good.
I have never seen this sort of an idea before. Unfortunately your forge skills are obviously not up to date. Im sorry if I am criticizing your...
Looks Ok. However doesn't it take 3 squeezes of the trigger to experience the rush?
I was just playing Garrys mod too. This actually looks like a great idea and I truly wish you the best of luck pulling it off. Especially the...
Holy ****ing ****. Im on this chapter right now for English. Oh and I tjhought the map could be a little more aesthetcally pleasing.
I do believe another infraction is in order. Next step, BANHAMMER. But please stop spamming this site with this. You got my hopes up for a...
I agree. If they get better than maybe they will win the sea world championship whale, I mean.... SPAMMMMMMMM!
Cant believe your already done. You deserve a high five. I give to you a high five and love you long time.
Even though it would be small, Longshore. Im actually ****ing amazed that since September nobody has thought, "Lets make a boat". Why not! But...