What the hell are you guys talking about?
He's not really new, he's been on H3 Artificer for a long time. Thing is, the mechanism is resetting by respawning, which isn't really reusable...
It's not really reusable, is it?
Okay, cut it out. Stop trolling.
That is cute.
Sorry, but most of your points are completely wrong. First of all, he said he's using Maya for modelling, do you know what that is? Go look it...
Nice switch, both parts of it are almost original and it works well. Sadly, the trigger has been made before, although I have never seen it...
What does pumble mean?
Indiana Jones and the Crypt of Doom This, please. *thumbs up*
No, she's still an idiot and wrong. It's still infinite.
How did you set them to no and never? I thought it didn't let you.
You sound like you know exactly what you're talking about.
Yes, he is.
We are invite only because primarily we are a group of friends who play together a lot and we sort of made the clan by accident. We don't have...
One of the people in The Purple Cubes was in UEG, but he left. We are invite only because primarily we are a group of friends who play together a...
It is a clan. We are The Purple Cubes, sadly, we are invite only and it is very difficult to join.
Probably me, but it could be your friend. If you check my file share and compare the dates of the maps to those of your friend's, then you should...
For the most part, they're not. Some people prefer to call games such as The Sims "software toys". Oh, Assassin's Creed would be fun, as...
Yeah, but this was in big team which is 8vs8.