Pshh, I had a grand masterplan for the Renegade's Regiment headquarters.
Of course you'll return.
<3 <3 <3
Yes. Dodoit.
How are you connecting your computer up at the moment?
Not without a windows emulator.
I think Bloo Jay offered to host it, he's pretty well known. I will admit that the game had its flaws, but we love it.
What is there to discuss?
So, remember the First! guild hq? That was cool, and Something's maze...
Fbu, please may we have the FH: RPG back?
I think this thread is definitely showing that we want it back, good work, people.
I think even if we only got act I back, we'd all want it back, right?
I'm asking if it will ever come back and I think we should kick back and reminisce a bit as well. I mean, I remember when the mushroom place...
No! Be a Sock Wombat! Or a Wombat Sock!
Sock Wombat. Gamertags should involve socks more often.
Psssht, noobs; pros use Opera.
I don't want to grow out of games. I don't want to give up the fun or the friends. I don't want to give up the community. I don't want to give...
Hey, I heard you're that guy who the thing to and stuff?
Make it on Standoff with VIP checkpoints indicating the route. It'd be awesome.
I did get one or two.