Thanks for the compliments :] (From Apocalypse)
This track was made by apocalypse2695 Track: Icy Falls Map:Avalanche Difficulty: Medium Description: Amazing Avalanche sky track with...
Bump bump bump
Tried it out not very good first time when you go up makes huge bump and it is single wide sry but bad 5.5/10
no interlocking its sloppy, and its single wide 2.5/10
THanks/ bump
ok thanks but when your playing with more people and getting bumped around you probably will not get that fast of a lap especially in battle tracks
not very good this track has areas where it is single wide, it is also not very creative and has no bordering 4.8/10
Thanks for the replys everyone keep them coming
most of the corners are rounded
Thanks but why would i make it single wide i make them so you can race your friends, and not fall off.
Track: SnowFall Difficulty: Medium Description: A Fun Avalanche skytrack that starts with a huge drop, has several banked turns, and and a...
yes i will provide more details next time thanks.
Thanks for all the replys and tips everyone i take my pics from the theatar that is the only place you can take them in.
everything on the map is bordered and i am working on another track now thanks
flow= 3.5/5 creativity= 3.5/5 forging 4.5/5 OVERALL= 11.5/15 Good
the interlocking is a tad sloppy but overall good. the flow is ok and i do not like the it has been done several times by others and it always...
The interlocking is great and the map overall has a decent flow some areas areas are a little crammed and the one part is only single wide....