Why was Kayaman banned?
Oh yea this map. A freind showed me this a while back.
Wow thats just the bungie.net error thing. post a real picture next time.
I dont get it. All I see is a person standing in the sunlight with Juicy on which is lame.
Thats fake. That isnt even Photoshopped that good.
Picture isnt showing.
It looks alright.
Good point. Maybe we will have a Phantom or Pelican.
Because of the Grav hammers you would fall off to easilly.
I know how you got that. You used a modded map with missile pod turrets and put them up on that floating watch tower and shot like crazy with 4...
That is awsome. How did you get that backround though?
When you put objects in certain areas it changes its color.
No not only two people know about mods. Modding is very easy to do. But it is very hard to mod online and not get caught. There are many big...
its under Standoff also.
Thats lame. All you did was use a grenade or a flare. Plus thats nothing like Halo 2 armor.
Thats crazy. It does look like a cCrab though. Also its not Predators float trick since many found it before him. I found it accidentlly since I...
0mega why do you keep posting other peoples creations?
This is old. Me and a few friends did this and took a picture a while ago. To make it better go on sandtrap. You have more weapons. Also rip off...
I have seen alot of these. I still cant figure out how they did this besides interlocking turrets in the same place. I have seen it done with...
i never noticed that. I will have to find it myself.