You are done here but your legacy will continue with the website you created.
I remmember one time I was playing wth you in a TGIF and you put on a Cat N Mouse on Standoff. can you send me the link to it?
This is just like garbage man but with a cyclone.
You never told me your H3 broke....
I am not sure if it was testing but I played this map with Deathtoll, Vorpal, Vicious, and some other people I forgot. I was playing this game...
I played this map yesterday and thought it was good. I only found one flaw. If the zombies stand on the geomerged bridges they can lunge and fly...
I played this and liked it alot. The only problems I had was when there were a whole bunch of zombies attacking me and the dumpster didnt move so...
Wow this map looks so amazing I am sooooo jealous. P.S. I hope you know thats sarcasm.
Finally another Project map....Nice job on it. Looks pretty good. But wasnt this made like forever ago I seem too remmember this on your fileshare...
Only one picture? Are you for real? From that one picture it looks like it uses no Forge techniques at all. Not even something as simple as...
You always make maps that seem like they are for screenshots but arent. And they always come out great. You have made a great Aesthetic Foundry...
Congrats on getting Premuim.
lol every good Forger is usually 13+ years old.
NvM I thought you wanted info.
About time this got Featured. I knew it was being considered but damn....
That elevator trully outdos EVERY switch ever invented. In a way it also uses the closable openable door switch too.
I have been friends with Doog Nit for a while. I was there when he made his old Doom Pit. It has definitley improbed and changed alot. Also for...
Im stuck on puzzle 8. I found out how to do all the others alone but this one, no.
I was in a party with you when you relleased this. Played it and it was very good.
You should have an ultimate canvas. Basiclly every map you said combined into one.