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He made one using forge objects.
The map is very clean and looks great. but the original design seems...boring and uninteresting. You didn't really add alot to make it more...
This map needs alot of work. - The map is waaaaay to open an give no cover to the players - The map is unclean/unneat - The map has a boring...
Forging is pretty much glicthes. Basicly, you cannot create a good make without them.
Congrats on the feature an Architect rank!
He is now. Congrats Zombie. I definitly new this map was going to be fearured. You are on hell of a forger and you should feel really proud now...
Welcome to the site buddy!
Agreed, the map an gametype is waaaaaaay too unbalanced for the Zombies. They do not have a fighting chance to live against 2 tanks and 2 warthogs
- Get a 50 - Finsh my current project Map
Agreed. It is definitly creative. But question. Do the humans just sit there. Do they have a fighting chance?
Agreed. The map is just very sloppy looking. You could have really taken the time to neat up the whole map by merging. It doesn't take that...
What a shame.
I think it worked, lol. [IMG]
The map mostly looks like a bunch of random iteams drop at random, which is what I know you were going for but I have seen alot of map like that...
- Halo Reach - Fallout New Vegas - Geard of War 3
I new this map would get featured! it so original an unique, specialy how the scoring system works. Genious!
CoD games cannot compare to Reach or Halo in general. Reach will dominat MW2 and Black Ops.
So this map is like a race track and a competitive map combined? I do not know how it owuld work but it definitly seems interesting. Also, I...
To be honestly, there really isn't much going on in the map. You barely put anything in, justa few blocks and a few ramps. Thats kind of boring...