After all this time i must say that helping you test this map was a great experience, i believe you said that you had made the first version of...
Agreed :D I rushed my map completely just so that i had something to enter while i was working on my other 3 month long projects which should...
Map name: Hindrance- Map Creator: XpRz Govier x (me) [IMG] Bungie Download Link This map is 1v1 team slayer or 2 player FFA only!
If this map wasn't made under these circumstances right now I'd be telling you that it was absolutely awful, but since it's not just any map it's...
Saw this and immediately had to comment, i loved playing on this map and it had some pretty good gameplay. I especially loved the layout of the...
I would have liked to see some more pictures of the map as I can't get a great deal of information on it from the picture provided. A more...
Breakwater - JGarb Bemire -xArctic Hunterx Forge World! - Zatherla
layed this with you and arctic, once again another well made water based map with a sexy unique feature (Lighthouse). KOTH on this map is a...
When you showed me this map before it was amazing and it still is, i love the blue laser affect between the pillars mixed with the Watery nature...
I was a tester and i was missed out :( Great map though, the aesthetics are just great and the layout is very good, Still wondering if you...
The map looks pretty good since I tested it, nice to see the plasma grenades being added, if you can I'd experiment and see if allowing the...
Fortresscraft just got its 1.0 something update and i thought id share the news on what is included in the update: Glass, different colour...
Omg I love your signature :L
This map is beautiful, apsolutely love that waterfall and the map reminds me of cold storage for some reason. such an original look to the...
Played on this at TGIF and I loved it, only problems were bro spawning out of the map and being killed as soon as we dropped down the holes but a...
Quick question, who made your picture Borders they are sweet, Really fits in with the map. Also how does race work on this map? Havnt had a...
YouTube - Arctic Hunters Video
OMG i came up with the same idea HAXOR! Just kidding i did come up with an idea like this but i had no idea how to make it work, well done on...
I agree with raptor, aesthetics and cover looks like it could be a problem to a point. One tip for the future, try not to use default buildings...
This map is so bawse, bawse bawse bawse bawse! I love this map and I've played with you on this map a bit and i must say it is very good, look...