lolwut? I'm confused.
OH NO! :cry: Hope that when I got to college it isn't like that. Oh wait, I'm going online.
Two weeks ago. =7
Because someone could get pregnant REAL young. And that's just f*cked up. Even with protection sh1t happens.
BLAH, MLG. I don't much care for it. However, always good to see some new faces around. Have fun.
Wow, great looking map. Looks like there's plenty of neat obstacles. I haven't tried it yet (or any other obstacle map) but I would say the...
Pandemic, please read the WHOLE post before you post. God.... HALOSCREENSHOTS IS DOWN! Anyway, I don't know which pictures to look at in your...
I had this exact idea a while ago and started forging it and got fairly far, but haven't posted yet. I guess I'll delete it now. Well very good...
EPIC MAP. Feature. Anyway, WOW, this looks great. Both bases have a good layout with an interesting addition and your bridge actually resembles...
I had an idea similar to this a ways back. Your idea is close. Hear me out. One player is the Oracle and everyone else is a human. The humans...
I'm sorry but I don't understand. All there is is a lot of vehicles and a 2D statue looking thing that it doesn't even look like you can interact...
The first was funny. You just redid it on another map. Nothing new at all. It doesn't even look like you moved the objects around hardly.
Pretty cool. Some of the soldiers look distressed. Bungie sure did put effort into facial features.
The first is EPIC WIN.
Sorry, but that's very bad.
The first and second are EPIC WIN.
Honestly, I hate the screenshot room. Most of the shots that come from it are almost the same.
I like some of these but I'm pretty sure the one's where all you can see of the chief is a strip are modified.
Normally I don't like FX and heat shots but 5 and 7 were EPIC.
Epic fail. Mods please lock or fix your post.