I know you can get out of some spots. Im working on a new version right now. I will have it done by the end of today. And to answer some of your...
Made a temporary V2 had to fix some things
Add my gamertag Gamertag: Einhorns a man
Thanks =D
Thanks for the comments guys
I told people to try and get out but know one could
This is my second map I have put on forge hub. My first was Double Dash which is in the mini game section. The attacking team tries to get all...
Yes it will
i thought it was going to but surprisingly it didnt have any.
I put small walls so people would fly out. If they fly out they automatically lose. makes it harder for people, you need to shoot at people before...
I did try that but every one that played it said it made it to crazy. couldnt tell what was going on
You cant jump. And if you do get over you will lose because the hill is only inside the map
This is the first map that ive ever taken seriously and put time into it. 4-8 players. Gametype: Team King Each team of two spawns in a open...