hey its calledoln map start 5
this name has been taken already, please use another one, shortshore by xItz Jenkinsx
you have posted nearly 5 maps today, congrats i guess ha ha
hmmm the design seems incredible, i sure hoped you referred to gunnergrunts conquest book, anyways i will have to play to be sure, but i think...
at first glance, the map is breakable, not to mention that with a grenades, people can enjoy gameplay outside the map, ha ha anyways i like the...
wow jenkins, i am becoming a huge fan of all your maps, conquest and slayer, anyways the palm tree blew me away, and i absolutely loved the layout...
cool i should have everything finished by this weekend, i ll just hit you up when i'm ready, and i'll be sure to include you in my mappost, by the...
well from the looks of it, you have great aesthetics, but you have weaponitis, ha its a term for those who like to use every wepon avaliable,...
um ok, i do like the merging involved some of the structures may not be needed in my opinion, but hey its a good map, i found that the weapons...
jeez it was a simple map devoted to secret rooms, stop flaming him for his armor or because he found rooms on longshore, i love the idea, in fact...
as far as your first post, i wont be too hard on you however the map has too many detours, conquest is all about "one way one goal" objective...
your pics aren't correctly posted, please fix within 24 hours, i dont have a link but im sure you will find out from others, use photobucket and...
im sorry to say but your earlier version is wayyyyy bettter, it just looks better as far as aesteics go, but thats just me, congrats on the post,...
whoa very impressive, how is the gameplay? Anyways i love the idea although socratic method's is way better, i love this map and the path in front...
Hmmm rather small, but the construction is very creative. The use of tin cups could very much be used in this map. congrats again
awesome sauce!! this weekend sound good?
hey can you help me with endure, i am willing to do it whenever
The hollow Helipad Gold Rush Conquest Discovery Socratic Method
the map looks cool, but are vehicles allowed? If not it would definitely help, anyways the obelisk structure seems out of place espicially with...
hmm im not sure what that is so make one up for me, thanks again