This is just a funny pic i took while playing infection on standoff Poor elite, his wife left him, he has no friends, he broke his BR AND He can...
SCRAMBLE! [IMG] Game Types: (best gamemodes given at bottom of this post) 1 sided bomb, Team slayer, territories, CTF. Scramble! is a...
Scramble!: MAP PREVIEW SCRAMBLE! Scramble! is a assault/neutral bomb map, it can also be used as an aerial slayer map or ctf, but is best...
HATHOR Description: Named after the daughter of Ra, godess of protection.(:lol:) These primitive forerunner platforms offer a good look at how...
here are a few Screens that i took that i think are pretty good, the 1st and 2nd are my favorite. Security [IMG] plasma sunset Destiny...
hi everybody i am announcing that i am making a remake of guardian on sandbox, if anybody had any cool ideas to make good looking aesthetic...
you know the place in avalanche where theres a death pit and two kind of mancannon places on either side, in the middle of the map, the cave?...
ONI MAP PACK Features 2 maps made on Foundry and 1 on Avalanche, Maps made by R0FLninja and maps Checked and edited by ABtelho.(not all maps are...
Catwalks by R0FLninja [IMG] Features: a medium sized 2v2 competetive map featuring symmetrical basements, a death pit and two Sentinel Beams....
Why.......the ****.........are you looking at this. gtfo out of my threads you ****ING STALKER!!