This one is actualy pretty good, borderline on over editing tho, but great...
YouTube- ix FuZioN | MW2 'Kinetic' | HD Some pretty decent editing. Found it on MW2kids channel.
V1 [IMG] V2 [IMG] From Scratch A Solar Explosion. CnC?
YouTube- COLOR THEORY | MW2 S&D Movie Thanks to Bwendon, I went and checked out Joe's channel, and this was probably my fav. He is the most...
Bleagh Fractal [IMG] V2 of fractal [IMG] V2 [IMG] [IMG] Yes, This is the exact same BG and Render used in Rabbittts old nightlife sig, I...
[IMG] Smaller Border [IMG] Watchmen sig, from knights stock pack CnC
Lol, I know that I could have just put this in the other thread, but its dead, and I want CnC. Experimenting with Gradient maps and...
Me and KB are making different versions of a sig for a special...someone. Mainly tried focusing on good lighting effects. The text is an inside...
I currently am a 33 in MLG. Looking to create a team Rquirements: 20+ Skill in MLG Age: 14+ Active roughly 5 out of 7 days a week. Please...
[IMG] Un-named 2v2 slayer map. Gametypes that will be set up: MLG TS KOTH Oddball CTF This map is a mix of multiple popular maps. Archaic...
Who here uses Photoshop Ellement? I want to get your opinion on it, and if you think it is better than gimp for making Sigs. I got it for...
[IMG] Text [IMG] Re-attempt at an old stock, it was a screenshot i took. CnC Not my best though Lol, 40 views and no posts?
V1 [IMG] V2 [IMG] [Thx to Kidbomber for suggesting] CNC should I get rid of the border? Best in FH dark Notice How I made it look like he...
YouTube- my brother tripping on shrooms Dont do drugs Laugh at the people who do drugs. :3
[IMG] Banner By R0FLninja If you do not know what asset is, check it out. Put your hands together for rifte gifle The creator of the gametype...
YouTube- McDonalds Excorcism Prank Call VERY FUNNY - OwnagePranks Thanks to chaotic at 50 seconds, LOLOLOLOLOL
YouTube- College humor I lold, every single time.
Author: R0FLninja Map Name: Asset: Sandstone Plaza Map Canvas: Sandbox Map Size: Large Player Count: 8-14 Supported Gametypes: VIP,...
[IMG] V2 [IMG] V3 [IMG] heres the larger more detailed version NOT ****ed up by photobuckets size change: [Spoiler]
[IMG] Very old stock, but this is my first in a few months :P CnC PlOx