Nice. I'll be sure to request one soon. My profile is meh. :(
tD's goin' down. (@Raynne who will eventually see this thread) I want Str8 to win it all. tD can't take 3 tournaments in a row. No way! :) Fav...
And your theme is awesome. I like the sign. :P
Sweet! :D I'll request one (AmercanPsycho Media) later once I get an idea to think about what I want it to look like. :3 <--- :O
Welcome back! I remember you from a while ago. :D
mr gooooooobles! YouTube - FlameSword -MLG Playlis Gameplay - Construct King - Part 1
D: Noooooooooooooo!!!! :0 c wut i deed thar? 0000
I'm so good at this game! :D
:! !!!
:6? flr
That's how it's done. :4 Use it everywhere. It is the universal emoticon.
It's "Thank God It's Friday", but on FH, some people call it "Thank God It's Forge-day".
:4 '10!
:4 flr
Ah that sucks. Wish we could've gotten some more clips from you. :(
Sorry, but your clip sucked... Yeah, I think your clip's in it.
:D flr
Pegasi's capped and sent all the clips to me and I'm in editing now. The intro's done and I'm almost done with the first clip.
I might drop in and out a bit. Skypeathon 2012 "End of the World" edition is a different story. I'll be there. ;)
Sounds good. I'm going to lock it and see if I can unlock it. EDIT: Yep, I can lock/unlock it now.