I've got it, but my TV is in some random resolution, so I need a new tv... yeah... :( If you want, you can find a new capper I guess. I probably...
Boring Monday... School. :( Got a lot of homework that isn't due until later this week. I think I'll procrastinate. On the other hand, I'm...
v Read message below too. Btw- H3F Comp Deadline Extension
I actually don't have my Xbox right now. It's still in for repair. I'm really sorry about the longggggg wait... :/ I'll cap for you the day I get...
3D Radar looks pretty sweet. I'm really glad they're not making Reach for Natal. And is it just me, or do all the guns sound the same? (AR, DMR,...
Gamertag: AmercanPsycho Preference: Halo Chance of attending: 90% sure I can. (If I have my Xbox back it's 100%)
Hot air balloons would not look good in the Crypt imo. It looks like you are going for aesthetics as well as fun gameplay, so the main level would...
Happy birthday Shock! :D
Righto. I'll do it after I finish my French homework. :P
Ah, cool. Do you know of someone who might be interested in making me a BG? ;) ;) ;)
You see, I made a new Youtube channel that needs a pro background. Do you know the dimensions of Youtube BG's? :)
ohai I got a new channel. You should subscribe. :D
YouTube - AmercanPsychoMedia's Channel :D
New Youtube channel! Please subscribe! :)
How much do you charge for MLC lessons?
We didn't install it though. One of my teachers has it in his little teacher folder thing. He's got a ton of games including Halo and Mario Kart....
v Awesome video. :)
Did you get a message from me on Skype earlier? I sent you one while I was in English class. We were lanning (Halo CE) Epic win! :D Our class...
Dualistic Proelium is a montage created by my friend Bmcgann and his brother Mcgann 2. Synergy did some great editing and made the montage...
Yeah, Skype is 100% free. You can DL at the link I posted on your thread. Send me a friend request on Skype: AmercanPsycho