yea, alright ill give it a thought, i originally had wedge short there... but i had to delete it because of budget...
the whole problem is with that is sandbox's pillars are too big, we don't have anything smaller which is troublesome to do... Not to mention it...
thanks, i poured my heart, soul, and time.... lol the time is what cost the most, anyways i tried my hardest to make it as accurate as possible....
like? i can't fix it if you don't even say what you are talking about....
yea, please get back if you can any feed back to help the map i will try to accomplish.... always room for new and improved verson 2 =P
For my next remake what should it be? - Beaver/Battle Creak - Prisoner - Turf - Foundation
HALO:CE longest remake click on my signature for the thread but other wise here is the url...
yea, it was a gamble for me to put it in their but after testing it a couple of times it dose gives it a different feel but an interesting one....
Longevity V1.3 UPDATED!!! [IMG] Longevity Long Before space travel this complex, UNSC researchers believe, was used to study the stars and the...
the center ceiling is definitely what sets this map apart, while the game play looks solid the ascetics are just spectacular... All in all the...
nice geomerging, ill have to give this map a try but from what i can see fromt he picks i would give it a 4.5/5 (seeing as 5, in my eyes, is...
very ascetically pleasing, ill have to check it out after my xbox gets back until then i cannot say anymore.