no, NK would not take Clinton because half the US public would let him stay...
The Update is out... enjoy...
there are a billion wizard/ warlock remakes... and they have a thread for remakes... even though its not up to par if you page thought he last 20...
do you have to remove all downloaded content because the same thing happens to me
swat or snipers..
the map looks pretty straight forward, but it lacks anything that would make it real special... Take a look at most conquest maps, they all almost...
First: thing that this map shouts to me is... you need more cover. It looks like the middle section is a dead mans zone... Try adding some pillars...
fusion coils are a tricky, to start with but putting so many could result in lag, seizures, and getting out of the map... be careful with them.
remake of longest | \/
O boy, do i love remakes.... lol, thanks for the help on my map... it was well worth it. and im glad to see you finally got this gem out onto the...
you choose a very hard map to remake and you did outstandingly well forging it... the only problem i have is the banshee. And its not your...
this is a very aesthetically pleasing map, its unique. and i like that... especially the towers. Looks like it flows fairly well, with weapon...
i had this idea a long time ago... the shuttle bays are quite unique and i was going to plan a map around them but came at a loss interest in the...
like i said guys, im working on updating it again... every time gets me closer (hopefully) to an end product that i am satisfied with... right now...
im not a huge fan of overlapping wood bridges, but the overall design of the map looks pretty solid. but once again the overlapping wood bridges...
yea, it is as close as your going to get it... Remakes are really the hardest type of map to get down... especially if you are going from halo CE...
yeah, but SWAT is fast paced gameplay seeing is how you die in one shot...
guys, i am really impressed at all the support my map has had, remakes are the hardest to make. Im glad everyone has embraced it as the old map...
interesting you mention the run time, i thought i addressed that in the original longevity, ill give it a look over again. But i thought i made...
thanks guys if you really think its that good submit it to the thread to be featured.... Honestly thanks...