if it is not broke don't fix it. The M6 series pistol is also over a hundred years old i believe.
google sketchup is the easiest thing your going to get... sorry bud. Try to take the tutorials posted on googles website for it. they actually...
well seeing how your map is very linear... i would strongly suggest you ghost merge buildings or objects to create a path along the right side of...
Well first off thank you. That area has been addressed in by other people. In fact all the window is, is your able to look down. You can not shoot...
The map has been renamed from RENEGADE to RETROACTIVE. I hope this dose not cause any confusion... It is still the same map, it just has a new...
all of these game type symbols just look so awesome. Nice job cryto
awesome, just awesome +1 interwebz
[IMG] [IMG] Well there is the human Shuttle ship... As seen in Halo Wars Or [IMG] Or a covenant boarding ship. Though it would have to be...
[IMG] You could use a spirit. They arn't terribly hard to make, and they can hover so it would be aesthetically correct... and the sides fold...
is it really not selling that well that they have to do all these little gimmicks to get the sale?
Nice to see another West Allis native in the forging community!
I would link it to you accept i just build straight from the ground up with a new file. sorry... I use units of 1m to represent blocks. Width,...
The Mantle By MetaWaddleDee I will second/third/fourth... what ever number we are on for this map.
To the followers of this thread, Thank you for keeping it alive first of all. I thought i would fill you guys in on Renegade, well that is if...
AND YOUR BUILDING IT IN THE SKY BOX!?!?!?!?!?! that is (in my mind) budget suicide! how big is this map? looks good so far though
it would have been better if you fail the jump... at least then i could have got a chuckle out of it... everyone pretty much sums up what i was...
so its going to be like a mini multiplayer campaign? I can dig that...
Google Sketchup... its free, and after about a half our of tinkering around in it you should be able to make what i made... So another words its...