it looks very well forged and I like how you have two of its' legs up in the air like it's walking
I see 4 levels, I might be blind, but I dont see the 5th lol. Anyway, it looks pretty good and I like your base designs, good light use.
I dont know if someone said this already, but there are no fence walls in mlg, no forklifts or trucks, and no sentinel beam, definately no...
I like what you did with the golf tins
The parts of the track that are paths for two different directions are creative, but you can crack the map beacuse of that.
I like how you listed the jumps and callouts, although some of the callouts seem a bit unecessary like the Top Red Tube, Red Tube, Red Window...
This will provide great inspiration for my next 1v1 map, I really like your idea of the continuous movement and the high power weapon spawn rates...
thanks for the critisism, I might make a larger version of it later, anything else anyone want to add?
This is my second map on ForgeHub. My gamertag is RunnerMeep Link to : Halo 3 File Details First off I would like to give a...
I'll take the un-named that isn't taken if you will let me. Furthermore, I saw your Free-Agent Forger thing. If the map I want is in fact...
thanks for the feedback, I'll try to make it less "bungie style" I guess
I tested it out and you really can't spawn kill too much but I admit it is a bit basic, it's not exactly like Sandbox though. Any tips for v2?
This is my first map posted on ForgeHub and I hope you all like it. My gamertag is RunnerMeep Link to Map: : Halo 3 File Details...
great idea using the noise to add some life and the higher objects do add some depth, i have not played the map you are trying to remake so i...
i played this map really quick for a 4v4 match, i realize the map is made for more people, but i do have some tips: 1. make the middle a little...
ok i am back, i give this map a 4.5/5, the only reason its not a perfect 5 is two things: 1.) the power drain is too overwhelming, so are rockets,...
good asymetric map, 4/5 for looks and ill get back to u with a better review once i actually play it, question though, is there a way to get that...
i wouldn't have an armory, that can sometimes lead to confusion and people trying to grab that one weapon they want but cant because it's too...