It seems somewhat fun but looks like it might lose its' "fun-ness" after about a play or two, the ceiling looks good but you could just make the...
you could possibly add brute shots to serve as the 40mm round that the AC 130 has, not sure how effective it would be, but it would add to realism...
it doesn't look that great for gameplay to be honest, you also might want to include better pictures for a layout so people dont have to download...
looks like a great hangout place
looks good for having fun but the idea of a clan meeting place doesn't work with this map in my opinion
congrats on your findings
i love the design on the sniper ledge and the overall symmetry seems decent enough this also has potential (in my opinion) to work with a MLG...
what I really love is the MLG certified Hornet, definate download from me!
you should also not take screenshots in forge, doesn't really matter I guess but just looks cleaner
pretty well forged map but, why make a map that you can already play normally on halo 3, I get why people make halo 2 and 1 remakes but why a...
it doesn't look like the banshees would be of much use though, not too open
nice touch with the grass
some pretty nice geomerges, especially the 2nd and 5th pic
nice touch adding the smily face
i love the golf balls being using as a weapon, very nice touch
the only thing I see wrong is that the bunker looks a bit sloppy, not everything has to be the wood style look.
not as good as the previous conflict maps
the effects are a good addition
good map design and very original
It's a good concept, but wouldn't it be easy for zombies to lose if they stay on mongooses? even if your invisible you still can be seen driving...