Here is my guy. Didn't realize so many people used yellow! [IMG]
I either get 1or 2 kills by end of game or players quit and I am left alone against the entire opposing team.
I have what I like to call The First Strike curse. If I get a first strike the rest of the game goes way sideways for me. Just wondering if...
Here are the results. Assembly\II Avalanche\I Blackout Citadel\I Cold Storage\VII Construct Epitaph\II Foundry\I...
So I am making a map in Forge World where I have taken maps that my wife and I liked the least. I have used a part from Narrows and Cold Storage...
Map name:United Map Creator: Sentimentalnoos Picture (1):[IMG] Bungie Download : Halo Reach : File Details Recommended...
@ broccollipie if there are alot of rocks and some grass I think Palo Duro just might work.
Thank You broccollipie . I appreciate this very much as I have been curious about how well I did.
I submitted my map United five days ago and there has not been any feedback on it and was thinking it got forgotten or something along those lines.
What is the average time it takes for the Testers Guild to test a map?
I am willing to give this a try. Already have map made just need to test! This will be my first map posted.
I don't know much about the map categories. What makes a competitive map competitive? Thank you to any and all who help
Thank you
I am setting up Juggernaught on a map and have no clue what to do with the spawns and such. Any help would be awesome thank you.
I have a map built in the Coliseum that I would like to have tested. Here are some screenshots. Somewhat of an overview [IMG] Blue base...
Very nice choices. Den of Thieves was an good one though my favorite out of those is The Fifth Bullet.
If you are an fan of Nathan Fillion why don't you use an episode title or character name from his show Castle.
What I love to do is after they hit me I take down there shields and then let them kill me and boot if it lets me.
Thank You M0aHerder. That is what the problem was.