It seems, no matter how much I plan ahead (sketching, using CAD or Sketchup) my maps always wind up changing drastically once I get into Forge....
afterooster, glad that worked out. The only reason I prefer using decoration objects vs. walls is that I get a lot more of them... I tend to use...
Thanks to the objects that are available in Forge, this happens a lot. I lean toward making the map better looking, but everyone has their...
The corridors mad from tunnels is a really nice look. I can imagine creating an entire map this way, but there are just not enough wall objects...
Most game types start the player with a magnum and AR, so placing these are more like reloading loadouts than adding more weapons to the map....
I agree, a Forging 101 section for Reach would be a great help to the newer forgers that are coming to this forum for advise on basics. It would...
This is in the Halo 3 Forging 101 section, but I found it a very helpful guide to laying out weapons on maps in general: Weapon Theory. As...
Aesthetics –noun ( used with a singular verb [IMG]) 1. the branch of philosophy dealing with such notions as the beautiful, the ugly, the...
Curtilage v3.0 Description:Semi-symmetrical map for 2-8 players that supports most of the game modes.Screenshots: [IMG] view of two bases from...
Try this: --Weapons Theory-- (A Forging Tutorial) It was written for Halo 3, but as HarisSales said, most of it still applies... Hope...
Wow! Thanks everyone, I did not expect that kind of praise. As I originally mentioned, and Jumbo Lopez reemphasized, the reliance on the Main...
Without being able to download the map right now, I can say that the map is definitely an appropriate size and has a good mix of open areas and...
Quoting from the contest rules: "Entrants may submit more than one map entry (including to multiple categories) but each Entrant may win no...
Smaller objects will, but I don't think everything does... A 5x5 flat block will fall with gravity, but little to nothing will move it in game......
And can I just add that designing, let alone predicting, some of those jump locations in your own maps is one of the toughest things to do......
Ok, so like all things, the reason to limit a contest, promotion, or anything advertising related that includes some sort of prize or reward is...
It doesn't clearly state that an entrant is limited to one map, so B3NW's recommendation to email them is a good one. That said, the rules do...
I'm not sure there is anything in particular that makes a MLG Map an MLG Map, besides the fact that MLG Game play rules are a little different...
As for One-flag, I beleive the red team always starts defending... Don't forget Neutral Flag, which requires a neutral flag... Basically, you...
Ultimately, not being able to support Elite players will hurt your map. That said, you can recommend that the map be played with Spartans only...