Yes there is, make the base big and seperate the respawn points...
Ok, so I made a map, set the forge gametype to 'capture the flag' and deleted the current flag holders on foundry and placed my own. but when I...
one word: epicfail it looks nothing like a helmet, try better next time
You really should apply for mason. Looks cool though
Re: "Shihuruville" But they could still stay in the armory and no one could get them...
Looks ok, doesnt look like it would play well though...
Looks like a good map, gives me alot of insperation for a map im going to make
I dont really like the idea of the Custom powerup but the map looks OK... not really the best map ever
Re: "Shihuruville" Thats just what I was thinking...
The preview look sexy but I dont think it would make a good movie though... 2 hours just to see some 0wnage on brutes?
I would rather have recon
I think he means halo in general
only played halo 3 but it has to be... Guardian (team doubles) Last resort (team slayer) The Pit (team snipers) Isolation (swords ---- fails with...
What... The marine or the semi-naked dude
He is rite, although add "toonshorty" as a friend and I will help you on tuesday... (im in GMT time tho)