No there not
Yey gordies FTW!!
Well im trying to get them to blend in with the forum
Hey, I saw on the news that there where posistions to become a part of the graphics team. I am quite new to graphics and am learning quickly. So I...
Signed: Toonshorty
I love swat as it really trains you to use a BR better. Before swat my BR skills were appauling. Now there quite good.
Lol, thats random
This Map post does not meet the standards. Please read this topic on how to properly post maps. I am sure your map is good so please follow the...
Dude, I will only be able to play u on tuesday night (7 ish - GMT) or next weekend...
I have the same problem, I just need to do cortana... I will try to do it with you at some point add my GT - its "toonshorty"
A swat playlist would be better
Dude, your the one with the problem... If you dont follow the rules this is the kind of response your going to get
Oh yea, btw... you cant triple post either
Community rules state that you must include embedded screen shots. So even if you put a video you must put pictures in the post to.
Re: The FIRST "Transforming" Foundry map! This Map post does not meet the standards. Please read this topic on how to properly post maps. I am...
Lol, if you did read that then either you have forgotten half of it or you are just stupid...
Turret Glitch?
Try going on ForgeHubs own 'Forging 101'
Nope... in halo multiplayer you sell ice-cream to little kiddies.
Re: Spillway This looks like a great map but either im blind or theres a big lack of interlocking