Well, I dont mind mods as long as there not used in matchmaking or in any form of "cheating"
Owch, My eyes hurt, so does my head! make it stop!!
I likes it, check out the PM i sent you
I have played with a 5 star general (general G4) before, it was in DLC Objective, he was on my team. Everyone was like "OMG!!! 5 STAR GENERAL!!!!"
Yey for "welcome-to-everyone-rights"
This is infection so it should be posted in the casual maps section
Yea, I hate lone wolfs for that reason but I still play it
I likes it
Thanks Reynbow. I will try your method and if it fails I will use Iv0rY Snak3's one
The pit has to be my favorite map that is none DLC. I love it, especially with snipers
I also think that colourblind is OK and the old timey may work with one or two infection game types but otherwise
Im not sure why I hate isolation. I just do. I find it to open but and the ghost is just too annoying!
Well what do you guys think of the forge filters. I quite like some of them, I personally hate nova and pen + ink you just cant see anything. I...
I never had halo CE or halo 2 But power slides on ice sound fun
Ok, well I have 940/1000 achivements for halo 3. All I need is campagin scoring. Has anyone got any tips like what difficulty (easy, normal,...
Well im 34 skill in LW I only need to win 1 more game and I become a commander. But yea, I hate all the kill stealing that goes on in this...
I did it all on co-op except arrival (that was soo hard)
I got that message to, although the first update was for halo this one is for XBL in general
That is what happened to me about 2 weeks later it finally showed up on my bnet profile
Link: http://www.bungie.net/Forums/posts.aspx?postID=19856193 Download it, its funny. I shot the gun and it killed my brother through a wall?! WTF!