I have a version of this map that I added the unlimited money glitch to. In my opinion this is one of the helpful and useful mods instead of the...
I love all of the interlocking and geomerging. 5/5
It looks like an awesome idea and I would love to help. GT= Trio Enzyme
Can I place an object? I'm online right now. I'll send you a message.
Me too. I can't download it. But I've definitely got space for it. Well anyway it looks like a great map. I don't understand the spawn system....
It could be used in Machinima.
I came up with the idea of making a map of Frostcrag Spire on Avalanche. People who have downloaded the Wizard's Tower DLC for Oblivion will...
Why is there a secret passage inside the waterfall? Instead of climbing up the inside you can just walk into a wall and it takes you up to the...
I love this map. But the map can get very confusing sometimes. In my opinion it just doesn't have the flow of Vents or The Estate. I don't know if...
FH Username:TrioEnzyme Gamertag:Trio Enzyme Rank and Highest Skill:Captain Grade 2 and 21 in Team Slayer (I don't play enough matchmaking) Other...
Oh yeah I forgot to tell you I need the unlimited money glitch.
Is it just me or do Black Betty and Dirty Diana both sound like prostitutes?
Great map. Where can I download conquest V3?
You could somehow make sure the vehicle could not move.
This rivals the Dreadnaught-Corvette that was on featured maps. Brilliant 5/5
I thought of an Idea. In the section where you fortify your base you could have vehicles strewn over the battlefield. They would then be set on a...
Hello everyone!
I sometime get killed when sliding down the ramp when I spawn. Is there a reason why they are facing each other? Couldn't you put them back to back?
I am trying to make a class-based map with the back hallways blocked off by a giant wall, similar to the Grifball one. But I only want to use...
Reminds me of Epicenter. Good interlocking, good map. 4/5