Is it possible? I want to make a Cops and Robbers map but I need the cops to want to take the robbers to prison and the robbers to not want to...
I know how to make lots of traps and switches. Send me an FR over Xbox Live my gamertag is Trio Enzyme or go to
A funny little trick that I usually do in forge when I'm bored is to make a swing with it. Place a custom powerup on top of a vertical double box....
Are you obsessed with tilted stuff!? Good job though. I have another question, if the bomb carrier was to die would the bomb roll towards the wall...
OMG that angled dumpster pillar looks awesome!
Doesn't that mean that friendly fire is on and the zombies can kill each other and spawn outside and kill the humans before the three minutes is up.
I tested out the 'pillars that fall over when you walk up to them' theory. I found that you have to get the box that the moveable object is...
Bloody hell. All those numbers and words make my brain hurt.
I thought that Tunnel Rats 1 & 2 were too dependent on the tunnels for good gameplay and the outside was lacking. This is brilliant. I'd even go...
I don't know what your talking about. This is map is a very good remake of Assasin's Creed and it plays very well too. I like the bridges that you...
Are you using boxes or doors? Boxes can be better when doing major geo-merging and easier to geo merge upwards like into the crane
No offence but your Dad is unbelieveably short and fat. rofl!
Have you played 'In The Shadows'? That's just like Splinter Cell. I'm also working on a Splinter Cell map but it's going to be in a prison. Maybe...
I love the cobwebs. How the hell did you do them? This is one of the best looking maps I've seen. 5/5 and Featured for sure.
It's for opening up a teleporter for 2 and a half minutes then blocking that tleporter and opening a different one for another 2 and a half...
This is the best looking racetrack I've seen. I love all of the asthetic qualities, like the teleporter arrows and the fence wall star. 5/5 and I...
I got out of the map by placing walls on top of each other, setting them to: Place at start: No Respawn time:10 Then start a new round, stand...
I tried it in custom games and it worked fine. You can find my attempt on my File Share.
I think that the stuff in the campaign should be in forge like Auto-turrets, Ladders, Invincibility and Invisibility that can be used as equipment.