He's talking abut the feature that OXM have on the dashboard where you simply send a question in a message to the SentUAMessage gamertag, and they...
I'm going be making a SANDCASTLE and it shall be epic, with turrets, an underground tunnel system and little sniper slits.
Where did you get that list from!?
Example? I haven't seen an unrelated clip in the Top10Series.
It would be alot easier if you could put the guides on one thread. Then we would only have to look in one place.
Upon play-testing most people formed a completelydifferent opinion. The gameplay on it is as good as a map can get.
Dthen you don't like Eclipse for the sole reason that you went out of the tourney in that round, I for one really quite liked Eclipse.
No not at all, it's nice when people recognise you or generally just say hi.
Yeah it's me! Feeling happy or is this how you normally act?
Which in fact is very easy, seriously Dthen, what you do takes little to no skill what-so-ever.
I don't know if Dthen would like me to say this but it is called a Priority Min/Max. All you have to do in this case I think, is place the Grav...
This has happened to alot of my friends. Have you been able to play other discs? It may be the lens if not. My friends bought a lens cleaning disc...
Have anyone's problems been solved now? I still can't sign in. :(
Yes, as a matter of fact. I've been looking round on loads of sites to find a solution by I didn't find anything. Have you tested the connection?...
All you need to do is put the damage resistance of everyone to 2000% and make it so everyone has no shields and Snipers.
Unfortunately this has been done before by Something. It can be found here. He recently made a better version of it on Avalanche as well that can...
It means does anyone know any porn sites I can download from? A bit inappropriate I think. But anyway I haven't got Rockband, but I have GH3 and...
I <3 this map. The merged arch in the middle and the way that you have used the back parts of Foundry are the best parts. I really like the fact...
I want to apply, I am 14 years old and my Gamertag is:Trio Enzyme
I could be your partner! I'm fairly good at interlocking and geo-merging. You really should use the Forge Mates thread. Oh and by the way, what...