Well, I was getting reeeallly pissed off because a while back I wanted a map tested and had to cancel the scheduled time 2 times. Basicly it felt...
So, if the worlds going to end in 2012, then why get so scared? It's not like you can stop it, so just accept it. That is, unless we have the...
That is really helpful. I am always trying to figure out the best economic methods for starting off, usually I build these in order: reactor,...
Your "map" is such bullshit. There are NO confirmed deaths in Alaska, nor any confirmed cases of N1H1, I know, I live there. And plus every hour...
Dude I'd be careful with all the cross advertising you're doing with that sig of map links. Every time you post in someone else's map thread, it's...
Quit calling it swine flu or pig flu, you sound like idiots. The name of the virus is N1H1, if you call it swine flu it means you approve the...
Quit calling it pig flu or swine flu, you sound like idiots when you do that. The name of the virus is N1H1 influenza A, or just H1N1, if you call...
What's new with you?
I never really left persay, I come to FH every other day or so and check out what's new, but lately Left 4 Dead has got my eye. I can't put it...
I rode my bike 4 miles today, which is rare because here in Alaska you have to hope for the best in the weather, and its finally getting warmer...
On the Terminal level, I did better with 3 computer players than with 3 real ones which is hilarious. I was able to get 8:10, just by standing...
Now I know why you triple infracted me, you were so high you had forgotten lol. I'll probably never vote for legalization, for many reasons....
Do you have any custom maps you want tested or just played on? I'm game.
hey whats crackin?
Hey looks like there's not going to be enough testers so I had to cancel, sorry! It'll probably be a future date sometime.
Although it will depend on when you want to do that because I have a day job lol
Yeah sure I'd love to help test Ponderav2, just tell me the day and time and you can add me for testing, Im not an official tester from the guild...
Hey just so its clear, the 23rd for my map testing, I don't know if you saw the top bold text, I accidently put in 22 instead of 23, and I dont...
I'm not gonna be like these butthole wanna-be moderators who waste their time and yours by posting about how this "doesn't meet standards" waah...