Yeah take it easy on the guy, he may not even know how to merge/geomerge, so don't force that on him. Personally, for a first map point of view,...
Btw, your sig is a mile too long. You might wanna fix that.
Quit mentioning Blast Off here, this guy won't appreciate that. I sure wouldn't either if I made this map. Anyways, this looks like a lot of fun!...
Not easily, it usually gets kicked out of solid immovable objects as soon as the new round is started. That is the same for foundry's rules.
Question, once I get Au, will it automatically give me Pt? Or do I have to start over and get all Silver? EDIT: I also really like battling the...
I have about 115 landmarks and most of the hints, but thanks to that map someone posted I'll try to get them all. That one landmark underneath the...
Some of these maps are good, and others, well, lets just say made me facepalm. One had like 40 downloads, how is that popular? Some of these seem...
I can make a possible 7 holes using arches..hmm...
I'm going to make a giant slice of cheese, with holes in it(holes will be created by using 4 arches as a framed opening) and making it into an...
Sure you can, but the test you might be referring to already happened, the message you read was from 4 days ago and it was tested yesterday. I...
This is one original map for the database. Great job on it, I like the bedpost design. Is the exterminator platform right next to where they...
Right here buddy : Halo 3 File Details
All of this means nothing to the people who haven't gotten featured on here, which is a good 95%. All we can hope for is to snag recon.
Wow that's really well thought-out, you put a lot of work into this I can tell. I do have a question, is this built as a playable map, too? Like...
Hay guess what, as of right now you are back to front-pageness. I left you a little comment on Surge, it looks awesome! D/Led
I've gotta say I'm lovin the techno-ish feel of those corner tubes with the r/b columns. I love that idea. The center piece is extravagant, And...
I don't think it's easily done, or possible, but you can make purplish lights by merging the red and blue lights together.
LOL Theres a part in the game that I am at now where I have to take a Doctor with me in a tank, and he says "If you can just give me a couple...
So I got Prototype, and I was not at all disappointed. The gameplay is highly addictive and fun, I spent a good half an hour trying to get all the...
Well where I'm at, it doesn't get released until june 10, I dont know how some of you have it already. As for that review image you posted, thats...