Those are the best hallways I have seen in ANY map to date, dude, they look amazing! I have thought of doing a race map with a concept similar to...
Damn nice one... love the seats and the whole aesthetic side of it, it's very different from most aesthetic maps because of its roundness, which...
Interlox FTW!!! Love how you can still H3-merge things here in Reach, which I didn't know you could do. Anyway, it looks nice but it's just a tiny...
I like it! The rocks look kinda out of place with the whole spartan being the forerunner material, but it looks pretty realistic and the sword is...
Hahaha actually, I had mixed feelings about how it came out at last... the color scheme I found a bit too dark in the first one and so I made it...
Updated OP with v2, check it out and tell me what you think!
Thank you all for the awesome feedback, I'll see what I can do about the getting darker, and I will probably slap some gradient maps on, idk how I...
Hey everyone, it's been a couple months since I last made a sig... I acquired PS and since it has a moderately steep learning curve (at least for...
Bummer you erased it, great work anyhow.
I like it, nice flow, good focal... that white circle actually doesn't bother me too much, but the border around the whole thing is very awkward.
Nice and quick comic, I like it! And cliches, gotta love them (or hate them?). Mr. Man is one depressed fellow.
I like it, there's actually a fair amount of flow, and the focal is excellent, there's nothing that distracts you from it imo. The only correction...