I really like this map. You must have put a ton of time into it, the detail on it is great! Seems a little laggy but that's to be expected from so...
Well i've been here for a while and i don't think i introduced myself ;P Hi! Im Noizzy! I don't forge much but every now and then I find myself...
looks pretty good, I'd like to play on it and see how it feels, but it still looks pretty good. New Mombassa was my favorite place in H2
dude, these are awesome! I love all of them! This is professional level stuff, you've got something here!
That looks really awesome, it reminds me of zero-g ball in dead space. I would download it but i don't have the maps :/ but looks really good!
no offense, but i could have built this with my eyes closed. You need to seriously re consider the surrounding area, its super boring. I would...
looks good, but you'll get alot more views if you add a picture for the thumbnail, with all those pictures you should be able to get one good one.
This looks really awesome. I'm really liking all the maps that people are doing that use the watter and rocks and other various items to create a...
HOLY CRAP! This looks amazing! I will definitely take this one for a test run!
Well, it looks very well put together and also like it plays pretty well. You must be proud of it, because the mouse over screenies are pretty sick ;)
Looks pretty good. I'm liking all these halo two map remakes, but it bums me out that theres no way to add in all the fun moving objects that...
What exactly were you going for with this one? It looks really plain :/
well i was going to look into the map, but with no embedded pictures, and no links for that matter, i think i've changed my mind.
lol, i totally just used this in a map im making, then i read this thread and was like, great minds think alike ;) nice find glad you got to it...
ahahaha, thats happened to me, actually, that might BE me!!! :D
that looks really good, nice to see some of the old favorites coming back.
I like it :) it has a feel that reminds me of a certain Halo 2 mission with some aspects of walking through the swamps in Halo 1. Its done really...
when you spawn as the cops, you spawn in the colosseum, thats where the jails are. Your supposed to take the falcon over to the canyon and use it...
Well...... The gametype is just like the regular one, except that the cops arent invincible because invincibility doesnt allow you to assassinate...
I said I'd build this crazy Cops and Robbers map, and well, here it is! It took me a couple of days and I'm still tweaking it here and there, but...