This map does look very good, but I think your weapon choices were not to good. I believe theres to many power weapons, maybe 2 is enough. Just a...
If this does happen, i defiantly see this not happening soon. But I would really like a new map for forge.
Great tut, it would have been a lot better if you could have made the tut in photoshop, the sig is very nice but the typo is not fitting it in my...
Looks good but im not liking the extra space in the picture.
Vert Ramp? Roll in? Kicker?
You should flip the boxes so it looks a lot better.
I think the original was just fine, no need to re edit it.
Oh, well I added my last name to my first post on here, and I took off the only viewable by my friends feature thing, so people don't need my last...
Whos mine?
Welcome here, enjoy your stay!
Mine - - Very Tripppppy Last Name - Manuel
Pretty crazy, wonder how it will be all grown up
Pretty cool, if you could reduce all the extra white, it would be a lot better.
Yeh the background is pretty cool looking, great job.
7, keeps me going. Not slow but not to fast.
I'd like to see this interlocked and boxes flipped then I'd download. But anyways good job on it.
New designs and cover. Different layouts. Something original.
Map looks very clean and smooth, good job.
Links not working either.
The links are working either.