AR and the equipment aren't allowed in MLG. The map looks different, but i would rather choose onslaught over this. The center structure is...
Just go to some graphics forums, there are usually a lot of tutorials by very skilled photoshoppers
Yeh, the people you were playing werent that good. And you missed a lot of headshots and easy kills. The map looks awesome though
Well welcome to forge hub. I don't understand what your asking? You want to become staff here at forgehub? Anybody is welcome here, but it takes...
Yeh i noticed that the second time of viewing it.
I dont get it, any can explain?
Not up to standards, embed pics
I want to see pineapple express bad, i may go tomorrow this songs awesome to
You should have added the mega quarter pipe ramp too :D Good job though
Battle Rifle for sure. Next would have been the sniper. 2 of my fav weapons.
Not mlg worthy. MLG maps don't have to be symmetric. Use guardian for example. But your mlg weapon list is wayyyy off. Battle Rifle Carbine...
I know you were trying to be funny and what not, but the voices just made it not stick out to me. The head bobbing was way off, and it was really...
I believe they said our overall rank stays.
Well I bought WoW again. Ill play with you, char / realm?
I would, but I'm from USA, and I prefer to play on american realms.
Your second one just seems to be to messy, the effects don't really blend to good with the stock, and maybe a little to much blending. THe size...
Not an mlg map if the assault rifle is in there, but the map itself is very nice and looks like it would be great for gameplay.
Yeh I think the shadow is what makes it a lot better, Great job.
Here is a lot better / cleaner render for you, done by myself. [IMG]
Your pics are very small, I can't even tell what is in them.