this map is kool what can you play on it?
the map doesnt look to good but the gametype sounds kind of kool
the interlocking looks pretty nice, but i want to know why put the teleporters so they put you outside the map?
this maps kool i wish i thought of the idea first
i think this would be a good casual map, just somthing to mess around on
flawless absolutely flawless
this map would be good on mlg, infection and mostly any other game type
i dont think this map is very good it doesnt look like theres much to do
this map sucks im goning to post my map WARhogs on the same board.
thats a pretty kool map i think im going to download
looks like a fun map to play on
i think i will
looks like it would be hard to play anything on it
i dont like the map either i think it is kind of sloppy, looks like the zombies can get spawn raped easily
sounds cool maybe i will download it
nice map i like all of the pics but i would like it if you would have put more pics of the out side features, no offense i just saying i wanted to...
maps nice, could be kool playing invection on
this map looks ok, its not the best i ever seen but i also understand how difficult it is to make a good map on blackout
looks very nice, could be cool to play MLG on
i'm making a youtube video for people who want to see more. If you would like to fill play with us pm me or captainamerica