this looks pretty good what is it a casual map?
yo would u like me and my review crew to review this map
u want us to review any other maps?
sure no prob ill talk to the crew then get back to you
yo could me and my review crew review this map 4 u
dude thats the most amazing map ever, ur a forge god.
yo did u see the sig lock made its sick as hell
this maps nice, it has alot of merging, and looks to be an all around good map like you could play all most everything on it
idk what type of map is this a casual or is it like a maze or somthing?
I agree i think there are to many power weapons but if you add speed and resistance it might work better
those pics are amazing how long did they take?
that elites sick and that drawbridge is awesome i downloaded and built off of it and now its pimp!!!!lol
Yo you want me and my review crew to review this map. message me or captainamerica if you want us to
Now that would be the greatest invention since sliced bread!!! lol
my friend told me how to do this awhile ago he shown me on isolation but never i tried it,its nice to know now that it works. oh is there any size...
pm me and ill help you
Great job on this Captain ! I hope you make more of these.
is this made only for capture the flag or can other things be played on it?
all right calm down i was just stating my opinion
this map looks really kool but what type of matchs can be played on it