Pit would be kind of hard to remake, so i might make that into a project with a coforger. but yea defiantly in the coliseum Midship; coliseum...
im getting with this kid and going to possibly make a legit remake of Ironyte.
Hurry Hurry! we are looking forward to see what you guys have, remember its no longer an MLG map pack, its anything thats competitive; SWAT,...
lol, um yea sure we can go with that, but i SHOULD be home tomorrow so im gonna start my map and then ill help you with yours.
well ill be home tomorrow night so start asking around if people want to hop in on the testing, but your on my team. bastard.
you and i obviously, plus who ever wants to join in testing. it would be legit and we could see for our selves how each map plays
how bout we test the maps our selves? i would rather see how they play myself.
lol i know its long but i need to start my new map and i wanna give people time to edit their maps and make them the best they can before...
Deadline is extended to August 30th
Dating this girl last year and not listening to my true bros. Everyone told me she was a ***** and she was crazy, but i didnt listen, and she...
I think i may be one of the people who have played on it. haha it looks familiar, and it is a sick map so ill talk to about who will win
alright sick, i gotta start my new map lol ive been really busy with stuff recently
maybe have it set normal, then go to juicy or gloomy then both, then purple. but you couldnt despawn the other ones =( ha
ok now hopefully we get more submissions and hopefully they will also be finished maps and not like 50% built ones (HINT HINT)
No it doesnt matter at all, as long as we get more submissions i dont care. ha
I like map number one the best, but why dont you finish it and then submit it?
alright sweet. thanks. we just need submissions because im still working on Busticate and we just need help ha.
Ill toot your horn ;), but yea just add us over xbox and we can show you whats going on. could you maybe post a picture of each map so we can...
haha i told you, im a fast forger, im doing the wall and such today so ill show you it later.
Same, im not showing anymore of Busticate, because its almost complete and they will have to wait until the map pack comes out, im going to...