he isnt driving on it, he is in the air, you know, from the ramp he went off of.
its ok dude, my bad i didnt specify, i forgot about the other shield doors. <3 annnnddddddddd we werent talking about shooting through the...
i would like to see only evade and sprint personally, but im willing to see how it would play with the other AA's
As a forger and just an overall fan boy <3, im always down to try new things, maps, gametypes, etc. but in MLG settings, there SHOULD NOT be amour...
they are called are one way SHIELD doors. i was saying that since they do, it ruined my day.
so even the players bounce on the shield doors? thats flippen stupid. i was hoping they werent, now my day is effing ruined.
could they possibly be used as some sort of light bridge? i cant remember what mission it is on halo 3, its where you find the IWHBYD skull.
this ^^ Shroomz is my new hero. But im totally with him on this, i want an urban city type setting, and maybe have buildings that are...
yes i do agree with you, but when we got sandbox, we basically said it was a forgers paradise, but, i personally got kind bored with it very fast...
that would be sweet if bungie did do this, but im sure it wouldnt be every DLC, they will probably do it the first or second, but not everytime
i hope its a 1v1 map because this would be legit to play on. maybe make certain walls bigger so its less escapable
Well. thats why it was featured in a DO NOT PLAY top 10, cuz its just sooo much fun. one word. shotgun. No, we cant adjust to it because the...
i wanna do a construct remake but that maybe hard due to the lack of tube lifts.
well yea its just gonna be floating. haha, and i tried it in the sketch up and it looked terrible so its just going to have to work how it is
well sorta, they will be like off in the distance a bit tho so its not like, oh look walls. lol. and yea the combine filters idea is good, ill...
true, but im not sure what to use! haha stupid reach not being out yet! i tried the blackout library type room and it kinda ruined everything....
lol it looks small but i put master chief models on the map and it looks like a 4v4 would work out quite nice, but yea im not sure how im gonna go...
Hey you guys, over the past week i have had zero internet, so i was working on a sketchup out of pure boredom. I texted Irony to see if he had...
lol guardian, i guess its gonna be in forge world, but im stuck on the S2 part, im not sure how i want to do it, i was gonna use the tower 2 story...
im not sure if there is going to be but i hope there is a way to take off fall damage so when we do hit lifts our life doesnt get pooped on. and...