oh crap, your right, my bad. if a mod sees this, please move it to the customs thread. Sorry about that
Hello all of you sexy people out there, i wanna start running some tests on Lockdown starting Sunday, November 21, 2010. Games will start...
After i test the map of course. i want to get a list of people that can test i with me so i can fix spawns and stuff
i missed my story. lol. we have to work on this and is it going to be in Eventide or is it just gonna be sexy on its own?
well if we are pushing for mid december ill have to place spawns on Eke, and finish Heresy. im going to need help with heresy tho *cough* irony...
pics are up noob lol
look i will be putting pix up in a bit because the wife is over (as explained to NeXn) and irony, we can forge tonight baby doll
I will be tomorrow because the wife is over so i cant really do much of xbl or gaming in general when she is here, and i messaged you earlier...
Add me on XBL and ill show you it sometime. my gt is; Controlix
i will be soon, i tried to get everything as close to possible (with Reach's scaling of course) and its basically whenever i feel like getting it...
a while ago, its pretty much done, i just need to test.
yes, we are hoping to integrate other people maps into the pack so we wont seem so selfish and dickish. we love the forge hubbers and we want to...
Looks good so far, but it looks like you messed up a little bit but i have never played either of the maps so i couldnt tell you if you did or...
Hello Forgehubbers. <3 I am currently almost done with a Lockdown remake and i need people to test, and stay for the entire testing circut. The...
Played only MLG Bomb on this map and it runs great, not bad spawns, very competitive (with the right people) and i like the tree. i love the tree....
lol irony, dont diss maps /sarcasm. Any way, im pretty close to finishing Heresy and then i just have to place spawns on Eke. After...
I think why people think this map is so small is because you used objects like you would have in halo 3. i understand you want to make it like the...
feel free to submit your map good sir, i just checked the preview and it looks sick and sorry to all the people who were pumped for P://E 1.0...
FORGE HUBBBBBBB <3 First im going to say i love all of you and i cant wait to release the map and in true Nyte fashion im going to give you a...
what if someone is camping the "safe area" make multiple safe areas? What if they are camping all safe areas. idea seemed good until i...