yes but i think we should have a covenant forge world so we could have different theme of forge. Like Foundry, a voi warehouse. Sandbox, just a...
you pose a valid point and i do agree with you. maybe they should release a map pack in a few months with a just a singular new forge world, in a...
Honestly they should come out with a Forge Map Pack, with 3 new forge worlds with a new variety of items, well maybe the same items with different...
i was actually wondering the same thing the other day. it makes tons of more sense to put everything on the OP and make everything sexy. Heresy...
hey i need to someone to capture some reach gameplay of mine so i can post it in a map thread. if you do i would very much appreciate it. Mods,...
i thought that hayabusa was in reach, when you unlocked it at a higher level?
haha will do my good buddy, and ill 1v1 you and destroy you and make you cry for mommy =) and we havent really been in game lobbies 1v1 except...
haha well we had three people stationed and i free roamed and just slayed. I would have played more but the gf is here and we had to receive pizza...
In oddball, i went 31-12 with a running riot. in team slayer i went 20-4 with a killing frenzy. i absolutely love this map, it seemed a bit small...
this is honestly one of the best maps i have ever played on. i love playing MLG Bomb on this and its seriously an intense map because of all of...
it looks really good, im gonna have to give it a download and play it whenever i have time and ill be back later to leave more feed back on the...
send me an invite also if you go to test and you want to just love it with me. ha but it is looking pretty good so far im diggin it mainly...
oh no its cool man, Irony and I had an idea where we would find a forger not well known (as i am doing now) and co-forge a map with them and have...
this map is like the essence of a couple of gods making love and dying and then they were reincarnated as your fingers and then you made this map....
glad to see we have fans, we loved this map also, and we loved remaking it for you guys. we tried to make the ceiling angle perfect like how it...
Finally, after years of anticipation, Ironyte has returned to its glory, the ancient lime stone has been destroyed and a new more modern version...
Perseverance by SecretSchnitzel
yea sure dude, if its alright with Cziz, im totally down. and im glad your trying to get your name out there and not be a debbie downer. and...
haha alright dude, uh i actually started forging it a few minutes ago out of boredum but i didnt do to much, i just made a base and started a path...
The sketchup looks good, maybe a few ascetics here and there and it would be a solid map. and yea dude school first, dont even work about this...