well sir although it does look like that, it has a lot of cover that is useful and not just thrown down so its like hey guise look at this block...
status: unchanged. havent played today i told you i work all flippen day from 12 my time to 9 my time, so basically from 6 to 3 your time. i...
bro not even going to lie or bullshit you, ive been working a **** ton everyday and when i run customs it slips my mind. so ill tomorrow after...
i have not played on the v2 and i want to soon dammit! if i dont play on it this weekend, im burning bleuprint's house down.
@the Bold; Map Sucks. haha dude this is turning out pretty well, al though i have not seen its full potential and only played a game of slayer...
i would but idfk how so i just told people to click the image for the link
you lol'd dont lie. im glad you guys like it and ill just redo the changes its not a big deal
yes exactly like that but id say dont worry about it until tests are made.
Amalgam By SecretSchnitzel
its when you go to look around and your screen becomes very laggy, objects start to flash brighter colors, and its not not family friendly.
a lesson forgers everywhere need to learn. Aesthetics are a bonus to map. I would much rather play on a map that plays good, than play on a map...
hey dude, ill give it a DL and ill run some customs on it tonight with my party that loves me so much. from the pictures, it seems a little...
wheeeeeeeee i got to fix some **** tho, like snipes are too op'd where they spawn and top mid with snipe is just not right. lol
yo secret, i got dibs on being in that customs lobby! My pure slaying power looks like it would go nuts on this map.
hey add me on XBL and ill stop by and help you out a bit. My gt is Controlix.
lol im demoing this tonight but im rebuilding it with a bottom base and such. and the bases are kinda useless, to be honest, im happy with the...
it was not a lame intro! meanie face, and i know ive been doing some unique stuff lately, but im am tearing this map down and rebuilding it to...
anyone else notice perseverance is the only one italicized?
hey dude, i saw you invited me a few times, sorry i was forging and didnt really feel like playing but inv whenever and ill join.
dude you gotta add some pix to your post. if you dont know how to embed pix, CLICK HERE Just helping a fellow forger out <3