sticking to the halo 3 style forge, i feel as if people are over forging their maps now a days and in some cases ruining the entire map. i keep...
thank you my good sir, i haven't seen anyone do it so i'm kinda waiting for some one to release a map with what i did and then someone say i...
1. it is shmexy, we are are still testing it. Yes you may have a look anytime you'd like. Rotational would be maps such as onslaught, warlock....
IRANEX Hello Hubbers. I know none have you have seen me around here since some of the drama happened. I do apologize for that but i needed...
yea but the middle is no longer an issue due to how it has been changed and altered.
well sir, thank you for informing me, ill go an edit my post and completely take that out. I do apologize for the things i have said and that they...
oh well, i have opinions, i was voicing them. stop being mad bro. lol
sir if anyone is butt hurt it is you, if you would actually take the time to read my posts you would see it would explain why i said the things i...
Hey guys, Nyte here and i am just stopping by to show and tell you guys about my current forging projects and ill write about a paragraph about...
ok like i said on amaglam, i will be free for a couple of days this weekend and i want to play the **** out of our maps, i want to finish post...
lolololololololol and its not really just power whoring, except when im jsut doing it for lulz, if i have rockets and snipe ill drop one for a...
to the vid. i was the person at 45 seconds. my name was first in the testers credits, although very simple editing and music, it covers the map...
still working on the spawns. in the changes list i havent put edited spawns yet. lol
lol we should be able to sunday night after i take the gf home. im pumped to see how the redesigned map plays, like i said i would add, a new...
after 100++ games on this, my ***** still gets hard to it. keep up the good man my main man. by the way, i need games on this pronto.
i was thinking with gameplay, everytime the player died, it would switch so another map's gameplay, but that is stupid now i actually think about...
crypto, i have a few ideas as to get all of the maps into the video, they are probably stupid but they are worth the shot.
you see irony, this is why i love you. because all of your bad maps make mine look good! no just kidding dude but i remember playing this back...
i remember playing on the v like 4 or 5 and it was just terrible framerate issues and it could barely be played. But no you took everything...
holy **** my map got into voting? when the nipples did this happen? but im not self voting cuz im not a *** and amalgam bends my map over the table.