Ironyte in H3. Check it. We remade it, and i need to contact Irony about making a v2. In the initial v2 for Ironyte, I made some budget cuts...
Excuse me, but i think our version is pretty flippen accurate and i do take offense to that sir. I slap you in the face with my removed glove.
Bloom For sure.
Dude your just mad that you cant do this. BLOOOOOLOLOLOOOOOLLOLLLLLLLLOLOLOLOOLOL
What? While this is a pretty sexy remake, i must say i have seen better. If you are claiming to have the "best" of something, you might...
Like i said, if FH picks this and asks me to change up the weapon layout, i will do so. Jetpack i dont think would be usefull, i mean possibly...
@Weapon Layout; I only used rifles because the Throwdown Competition is supposed to be skill based Competition. Key word in there is COMPETITION,...
I was kid who said camo was broken in the gametype and then you got mad. lolol Spawning has already been fixed my good fellow. I might just...
Thank you sir <3 Jet packs are not in the Throwdown gametype and they are not pick-up-able, but to be sure, yes i did but kill zones and such...
thank you sir, Irony and i just wanted to keep it simple and such, and if you liked this and Ironyte, you will be seeing a Irony/Nyte Coforge soon...
I agree but you never know, i just hope it wins. and i hope that no one like completely rips my idea.
thanks guise, i most likely wont win because of some of the maps i have seen look amazing but i have no idea how they play except a few. but...
noooo the thumbnail image broke! and yea the gameplay does tend to do that. but you know its people who want to control top mid, but on this its...
Iranex Forged by Irony & Controlix Use with Throwdown Gametype....bitches Weapon List DMR x 4 Needle Rifle x 2 Plasma Grenades x 4 Frag...
Iranex [IMG] Forged by Myself and Irony and his big black balls.
oh what ever i just like to call it inverse symmetric cause its easier dammit, and jex, your a damn tard. lol. but i love you anyway =) i should...
haha i have a couple vids of gameplay on it to cap, and then imma release it tonight and submit it
haha yea i have i just need to submit it now. over forging is getting out of hand my good sir. i think people think if they are not using 95%...
haha jeff you beat me by one point, and im constantly changing stuff to improve gameplay and promote map movement.
you didnt miss anything good sir, uhm which map are you talking about, and thank you, but i gotta get the v2 up soon, im just too damn lazy now a...