Wouldn't you be able to camp out at see on the dingies? If you keep hitting or shooting them they never sink.
Poor Sarge lol. NOW GIVE ME RECONZ OR DIE!!!
The pyramid looks a lot like my Sky Pyramid track. I'll download to make sure it's not the same.
Great track. I really enjoy playing Battle Lasers on it. It's very smooth and great to drive on. Congratz on the feature. It deserves it.
I practically invented kill ball spawn killing. Or at least I did it first because I got Mythic before most.
Oh no not this again. I remember the impossibleness of the Avalanche one. I'll give it a go I guess but I don't expect to win.
Just dying once will be like losing a lap anyway though because you'll be behind everyone and can only catch up by lapping them.
I love the jump through the seventh column and the back flip. They are epic. Well done on making this great track. EpicFish: Egodude made the...
The rythym is kind of bad because I is too random. It may be more challenging but in a bad way. Other than that this is a great track. I like the...
Get some driving skill and that won't be a problem.
Well your opinion is wrong because the fact is I originaly started making a track and thought it would turn into a cool pyramid. And it definitely...
If you use the Racetracks gametype you do no damage and can't cheat.
How is this an old idea? Show me another race track with a huge pyramid.
If you use the suggested gametype that won't be a problem.
I admit those are better. They will be featured in time. I guess they chose the featured track on when the track was made. I made this before most...
Wow I never expected to get featured when I made it. Thanks for the feature Lights. It did take a while to forge though for those that are...
There's now a Youtube video of the track. It's of an old version so it's not completely accurate but it will still give you a fair idea of the...
This track was one of the first race tracks I raced on Sandbox because it was the first one made. It's really good and I hope you make some more...
The start is now after the objective so you can't die and take a shortcut. There's no longer a starting gate that kills you. The wooden bank now...
I used infinite money so none of that is possible.