ok good you can be in if you want to so my members so far -acter-AgileDan92, MaddFlash, NuclearNinja142, Chief wiggum 00 -recorder-justxkyle...
ok good you can be in if you want to so my members so far -acter-AgileDan92, MaddFlash -recorder-justxkyle
well of course we need ideas but first i need a group before i can think of ideas so we need to think of a group name and incorperatod- inc. and i...
well does anyone want to make macinma group? the things i need -digital recorder (records sound) -deep voice person (2) -director (me) -good...
awsome looking and the interlocking is awsome great job 5/5
it sounds like your disk is scratched or wait that would be for the regular maps so it sounds like theres a corrupted file in your hardrive so...
this actually looks pretty cool i like it along with the interlocking
nice job and i bet this will get featured since every time a staff or premuim post a map it gets featured
no the elephant flipped so i put turrets down then i started a new round and the turrets where like that so i made the map and i posted it as a...
well it is on an elephant but its not just an elephant
lol sweetand next time i will add efects for yall
thank you ill give good rep to
ok well i hope you like it and i hope it plays well
it is not poorly built so i have no clue what your talking about
you got any programs to make banners with so i could make one?
i knowi posted this in my recent map but ill pst it here for a chance to get that picture award [IMG] The Secret- i got the turret to be on...
pretty nice ive never known that. now i can take some cool pics =)
well im glad to see this is your first map but it really needs alot of work like interlocking and placment of difrent items
awsome how you think it would play with the game type ive created? its basicly TOP lie in halo 2 you should know if your a halo 2 owner.. excpt...
operator:911 what is your emergancy? burgler:yeah i broke into a house and i was forced to call 911 and i need you to come and get me thank you