Could use some adjustments in areas where you cannot make the jumps without sprinting but it's good. Sword Room needs to be much larger in size....
Thanks for the feedback everyone and Ill get to the kill boundaries eventually, (hopefully soon) As for anything else feel free to move things...
Sorry i'm just into that MLG stuff but here in a couple of days I can put the origional up with the turret and all default spawns:)
What glass? oh nvm, you mean the top structures of the buldings? You cant see through them to the other side actually which is great:) Download...
Every spawn point was transferred from Halo 3 to Halo 4 down to the very last one. Every MLG Weapon spawn, Spawn times on the weapons, Even down...
Yeah I thought about that as well, Just the amount of budget I have doesn't allow it until I go through the entire map trying to figure out how I...
Yeah the Halo 3 version of The Pit when played on MLG settings didn't have an energy sword haha, Also the spoilers show the sword room if your...
Thanks Bro:D
I dont know how to do that.. lol
Well there's no cones in the MLG version of the pit but feel free to edit them in there:) haha And yes, You can nade into sword room. And your...
The Void (H3 The Pit) Remake. Map Name: The Void Gamertag: Eshkii Recommended Players: 1-8 Players (2 Teams of 4) Recommended Gametypes: V...
I have finally finished my remake of "The Pit" From Halo 3! I'm extremely proud of this, Probably took me around 30 hours give or take. I never...
I added you like 4 days ago, lol. Accept it so I can check out what your doing I may be able to help you
I sent you a FR so whenever you would like to do that im ready
I'm not really interesting in using a modding tool to extract the screenshots off of my HDD, But I might try it. Also how to you post your final...
I just completed my remake of "The Pit" It has been tested and finaized, Now the only problem is that i cannot get quality pictures of my map....
Yea we can do that as well, I just need some comparison pictures to the original pit and someone who would want to do that for me that has an...
My "Pit" remake is now in full Beta testing and I need people to help test KOTH, Flag, and Slayer gametypes. Note, these gametypes are all MLG. I...
btw, Do you know how to set up Ctf?? I didnt play reach so this is rediculous to understand -_-
Ill try to get my map completed with KOTH and Flag asap, So maybe after we test yours we can try mine? Gamertag: Eshkii